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A forum for discussing the Australian Alps Walking Track. This is a 655 km long track from Walhalla (Vic) to Tharwa (ACT)
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Water on AAWT

Thu 31 Jul, 2014 9:04 pm

Hello. Have done searches but have not found specific information.

Planning on walking through to Canberra from Walhalla just after New Years. Only window I have so alternate time not possible.

Aware that any information can only be general, and approximate. I've read that the 'Barrys' is a particularly dry section. I'm hoping for more info.

Can anyone say which specific sections they would carry extra water? Particularly when not to expect water overnight. So if I were to leave camp with enough water for the day, then overnight and the following day for example. Are there any sections where you need enough water for two nights?

If this has been discussed please point me in right direction.

Thank you

Re: Water on AAWT

Sat 02 Aug, 2014 7:22 pm

A friend and I have done two summer AAWT trips, a Sth-Nth in 2012/13 and Nth-Sth 2013/14.

Chapman does cover water issues in good detail (see his website for updates), though it does rather depend upon the distance you plan to cover each day vs distance between reliable water sources.
Aside the Dry Barry's, which now has ample water tanks, Black River to Macallister Springs (>70km) would have to be the main section of concern… be prepared for black-water with wrigglies in the Barry Saddle water tank and just be wary Barry Mountains water tank no longer holds water.

Heading north beyond Black River it’s very variable finding reliable water sources as it’s basically unreliable soaks and springs which tend to dry up in summer. The exception is Chersters Yard (11.9km before MacSprings turn-off) which we've still found tricking in summer time – however, as of Mar ’14 the AAWT has bypassed Chersters Yard leaving the next guaranteed water source Macallister Springs (~1km off-trail).

Our 13/14 summer trip was the hottest and driest we've experienced, with several +40 C days, we had to detour off the track and postpone completion after walking the Crosscut Saw to find Hellfire Creek at Mt Magdala dry – it took us ~2hrs to scavenge 6lts from small stagnant rock pools...

We've planned summer time trips (and planning another) around the reliable water sources and doing a couple of water drops – saves much time from having to scrub bash to look for water. For example: it’s 32.2km from Black River to Low Saddle (else consider a water-drop with food at Rumpff Saddle), then Low Saddle with a water-drop would mean 25.9km walk to Chersters Yard, assuming you detour off the AAWT to get it.

Re: Water on AAWT

Sun 03 Aug, 2014 8:22 am

Hey CoolBreeze

In that 13/14 Summer trip- did you have any joy getting water from the gully which feeds the Barkly? The one which is on the road a couple of Ks south of where the AAWT goes "off-road" between Mt McDonald and The Nobs?

That source is quite reliable- really well sited to retain water when things get hot. There's always the option of descending down to Clear Ck before going through The Nobs. Yes a big down then back up again (500m)- but one can hop in the creek to cool off, and walk back after dark to avoid the heat. Have done it and not regretted it.



Re: Water on AAWT

Mon 04 Aug, 2014 7:30 pm

Hi a couple of suggestions - if you take the Middle Ridge Road instead of following the AAWT between the Heyfield Jamieson Road and Rumpff Saddle, there was some excellent streams running down the gullies under the road. Also about 10k by track NE of Low Saddle at the junction with Mobs Track and the AAWT, (GR555734) if you go down that track on the S side of the range, there were a series of soaks which could be used with some patience. Both these were in autumn after a dry summer.

Re: Water on AAWT

Wed 06 Aug, 2014 12:16 pm

Good info. Thank you.
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