Nadgee Wilderness Walk

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Nadgee Wilderness Walk

Postby diceman1980 » Tue 18 Nov, 2014 12:54 pm

Hi all,

My friends and I will be doing the Nadgee Wilderness walk over the Christmas/NY break. Was wondering if any of you season pros could provide us with any advise given the time of year:

- Special spots along the hike
- How much water we should be carrying with us
- Snakes and Ticks - the reality (what should we take in terms of repellent etc) (not snake repellent - not that amateur)
- Must haves/have nots

We are doing the walk over 5 days and as yet I have not found a decent map so that's what i'll be looking for first.

Thanks to all who take the time to respond!
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Re: Nadgee Wilderness Walk

Postby juxtaposer » Thu 04 Dec, 2014 12:05 pm

I would recommend a detour up to Howe Hill, which is trackless but fairly straightforward from the north end of Lake Barracoota. You can descend to the west side of the lake from along the back of the range, and there is an excellent camp site there (although you have to swim/paddle out beyond the reeds to fill up with fresh water, the edges of the lake being brackish). The coast can be regained around the southern end of the lake. A fantastic area for wildlife too. This is for experienced only, as you never hear of it being done, but it is much more of a wilderness experience than pushing sand under your feet into a headwind all the way down to Mallacoota Inlet. Perhaps better in cooler months.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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