Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

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Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby alanchan1024 » Thu 17 Jan, 2019 8:29 pm

Hi All,

Here are some notes I created for the trip two of us did last Sunday, 13 Jan 2019. We started at Kedumba Pass at 7:35am, down to the valley via Goat Track (both sections). Up Korrowall Ridge in attempt to get up to Mt Solitary via Point Repulse. It took longer than expected and we felt the shale ledge section was too exposed to go pass and it was 6:30pm. So we decided to descend directly back to the fire trail down and got back to our car at about 10:30pm.

GPX Tracking

Korrowall Ridge Trip Note
1. Goat Track Top Section: Alt 655m → 535m; Distance 0.26km
There is a cairn at the top entrance. The first half is a steep scramble down (30% grad) a clear gully. The second half is less steep (15% grad) and more improvisible, possibly leading to 100m north of the lock gate, where there is a 4WD track branches off the opposite side of Kedumba Pass.

2. Goat Track Bottom Section: Alt 485m → 275m; Distance 0.76km
There is a cairn at the top entrance, located about 100m south of the lock gate, where the road bends to the left. The first 2/3 is rather open and gentle, until Alt 350m where there is a cliff. At our particular spot of descend, it is a 3m climb with medium difficulty, followed by another few meters of less vertical climb. Not sure if the cliff is by-passable. The bottom 1/3 has more dense vegetation and we generally follow a gully until we hit the 4WD track branches off Kedumba Pass.

3. Kedumba Valley: Alt 150m
Point of Interests: Maxwell Historical Site, Maxwell Memorial, Kedumba Valley Campground, Kedumba River Crossing (water at lower-shin level). Lots of flies!

4. Steep and Rugged Climb: Alt 415m → 575m; Distance 0.50km
Turn right (west) towards Korrowall Ridge after walking 3.08km from the Mt Solitary Track turnoff, just before the Restricted Zone sign. There is a cliff at Alt 450m after some rather steep yet manageable scramble. We have checked the left (south) of the cliff and cannot find an easier way, but we haven’t checked the right (north). This cliff is about 8m with some hand holds that strong upper body would be beneficial. There are spots for short rests through the climb. The next section is a longer scramble and is a little easier than the earlier one below the cliff. We reached Korrowall Ridge at the point where there is a distinctive ant hill.

5. Korrowall Ridge: Alt 575m → 675m; Distance 0.90km
It is a rather easy section. There is a campsite along the way in the first flatter section. Later on it gets steeper as it approaches the bluffy section. The boulders get bigger and bigger and eventually it is impossible to keep following the ridge.

6. Rock Outcrop Section: Alt 675m → 730m; Distance 0.90km
Here a decision has to be made on each outcrop, whether to climb directly up (while there is a chance to have no way down the other side and not connected to the next outcrop), or stay left or right of the bottom of the outcrop and whether to climb up along the way or just to get around it. We have not tested all possible ways and we just go by our instinct. It looks like the left side is more promising than the right in many cases. And the straight up solution often leads to a back track as the tops do not connect.

One of the outcrops (or more; that we didn’t explore) provides excellent 360 degree views. We stayed on the left of the bigger and bigger outcrops (now become a cliff on our right) to a point where we must go back up to a higher position. A 10m climb is facing us. It is quite reasonable with holds. After this climb and a bit more scramble we get to the top of the outcrop which does not connect to the next. We found a way down, again on the left, going around and through a rather narrow col it connects to the next outcrop (the final one before Point Repulse).

From other’s track report we know that the Shale Ledge is on the right (East) of the cliff, so this time we get to the right (cliff is now on our left). It then leads to a point where it becomes impassable going forward. So our only choice is to scramble down to our right (East). This scramble is initially a 45 degree slope with limited holds followed by a 2’ish meter drop, with some footings only when we can see them i.e. after we get down! We don’t have a tape or rope. But I have a K-mart resistance band (the ones for stretching / strength training) which becomes handy when we try to get down bit by bit with the upper person being the anchor holding one side of the band. At one stage I need to dig holes on the loose earth to create handholds. I know it is dodgy, but it works! After we both get down, we follow the bottom of the cliff and keep ourselves close to the cliff and it gradually leads up to the final scramble section. All these efforts of up and down outcrops may actually be avoidable if we just stay on the right of the bluffs all the way through, which should lead us to the same final scramble.

7. Final Scramble to Shale Ledge: Alt 730m → 760m; Distance 0.20km
The final scramble is steep but not difficult. We can see traces of footprint on the ground. The scramble leads us to a flat area directly in front of Point Repulse. There is a cairn in this area. The following section becomes very apparent: a red shale ledge on the right of the cliff. After walking on the ledge for about 20m, there is a crack that could be climbable to the top. But the intended way is to continue going forward to the narrowest part of the shale ledge, with a 15-degree slant section just before that. This is a very exposed section with shale cliff on the left and sheer 100m drop on the right.

8. Yuslan Descend: Alt 730m → 410m; Distance 1.20km
(Name after a party of two, Yus and Alan): from the base of the final scramble (while still next to the cliff), find a convenient place to descend (due East) this steep section, after 0.6km, or Alt at 525m, the terrain becomes flat and it would be easier to get to the closest point of the fire trail by going SSE for 0.3km, until it steepens again. There seems to be a few gigantic fallen trees lying in this area. Now descend due East again for another 0.3km and you would uneventfully reach the fire trail where it bends 180 degrees.
Last edited by alanchan1024 on Fri 18 Jan, 2019 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Korrowall Ridge Attempt

Postby wildwanderer » Fri 18 Jan, 2019 9:36 pm

Top report and effort Alan. Sounds like an epic adventure.

Will you return one day with overnight gear and a bit of rope?

I remember reading on the fat canyoners site about that shale ledge.. treacherous indeed! especially after all the rain we have had.
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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby alanchan1024 » Fri 18 Jan, 2019 10:08 pm

wildwanderer wrote:Top report and effort Alan. Sounds like an epic adventure.

Will you return one day with overnight gear and a bit of rope?

I remember reading on the fat canyoners site about that shale ledge.. treacherous indeed!

Thank you wildwanderer.

I don't think I would try the shale ledge. However, the climbable crack maybe interesting to explore (no trip report has mentioned it so far).

It maybe safer to explore from the top (with a tape/rope, not K-mart band anymore!), to ensure the top of the crack actually connects to the plateau.

I am planning to explore that, i.e. top down, and if successful, I would then from the bottom of the final scramble, follow the cliff to the north, bashing until i reach Mt Solitary Track just below the bottom of The Col, while checking out any other possible ways to climb up to the plateau along the way.

See red arrow from the attached pic.

Point Repulse Topo Close Up

Now knowing the topo and the shortcut to skip the initial climbing / outcrops sections (Yuslan Descend), it would only take 3-4 hours to get to the shale ledge from Kings Tableland, with the bottom-up approach. But then again, no definite alternative solution to pass the shale ledge yet.
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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby Tyreless » Sat 19 Jan, 2019 8:21 am

When I completed Point Repulse late last year I was unwilling to walk the shale ledge and unable to climb the crack - I tried both. However, about 20 metres before the shale ledge I found a faint animal pad that runs 5 metres below the shale ledge and wasn’t too bad - to me it was preferable to the shale ledge. This was done after last year's hazard reduction burn and I suspect the aminal pad is usually not visible due to the vegetation.
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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby Pye1791 » Sun 20 Jan, 2019 3:58 pm

I took a group on Point Repulse last year starting at 8:30 at the locked gate and getting back far too late at 9:30 pm. It got dark when we reached eastern col and you really want to be across the Kedumba River before it gets dark.
Next time we will take the direct route up towards the east col and cut across to the Fire Trail as per your return route which saves a couple of kms and allows a water drop. We will get up onto the ridge where you did.. instead of going all the way down to Rucsack.
We climbed each of the knolls and came back and went low to the left when required. There were two tricky section before Point Repulse itself. A 2 m climbable slab with no exposure risk where we used a tape, then an exposed climb over a pagoda which had a big drop but most of our party didnt touch the rope we set up.
There are two shale ledges around the right side of Point Repulse, one feels very risky, the other is a straightforward walk, so I suggest having a carefull look round before proceeding.
After Replulse Point we kept high on the ridge to the left up to the top but next time we will head directly across the summit to the East Col.
With direct approach, earlier ascent onto the ridge, and cutting directly across to east col we aim to be down to the river by 5 pm and bzck at the cars by 7pm.
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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby alanchan1024 » Sun 20 Jan, 2019 11:36 pm

Pye1791 wrote:We will get up onto the ridge where you did.. instead of going all the way down to Rucsack.

The 8m climb we had was a bit tricky. If you get to the same point as where we did, looks like there are two options for this climb: left is a less vertical 4m climb and right is a vertical 3m climb (the base is bit higher at that point hence only 3m), where the circled log is (the same log is circled in both pic, just that we moved it against the "wall" when we got to it). The log and the thin stick as seen in the close pic aren't that useful. So we climbed from the left. After this 4m section, there are more climbs and foot holds are limited. We did a combination of digging holes from the loose earth and grabbing some higher-up trees to lift our body as if we were doing a pull up.

Then close to the ridge there is an ant hill :D
8m Climb Far
8m Climb Close
Ant Hill
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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby rcaffin » Wed 23 Jan, 2019 11:56 am

There is quite an old known pass to the N of the 'Shale Ledge Exposed Section'. It has a cairn at the top in the saddle. Caution: I have not done it!
The main problem with the pass is the 'orrible scrub going N on top. But there is a nice rock with a swirly top on the way.

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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby ribuck » Wed 23 Jan, 2019 8:23 pm

rcaffin wrote:There is quite an old known pass to the N of the 'Shale Ledge Exposed Section' ... The main problem with the pass is the 'orrible scrub going N on top.

That pass is straightforward (it's only the exposed shale ledge that's the awkward bit).

You're not wrong about the dreadful scrub. It took us 2 hours from the top of that pass through the fog to the path along the top of Solitary. Missed the interesting rock, although I've seen the photos of it.
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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby rcaffin » Thu 24 Jan, 2019 11:15 am


Scanned from a print from film.
Left photo is the 'swirly rock' I mentioned. Right photo is another good one nearby.
The blotchies are actually lichen on the rock: very speckled.

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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby tom_brennan » Thu 24 Jan, 2019 12:28 pm

This was the shale ledge looking back when we did it. I don't recall there being too many options. It was exposed but not especially narrow.

From https://ozultimate.com/tom/bushwalking/ ... photos.htm
Bushwalking NSW - http://bushwalkingnsw.com
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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby ribuck » Thu 24 Jan, 2019 7:59 pm

I like the nervous smiles of the two people in the photo. The time I did it, each nervous smile turned into a broad grin as the person made it to the end of the ledge.
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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby rcaffin » Mon 28 Jan, 2019 5:37 pm

What I really like about that photo is the fog below!

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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby YoungCodger » Tue 13 Jul, 2021 11:36 am

Yesterday a friend and I followed this route, starting shortly after sunrise at 7:15 and returning at 4:30pm. We jogged the fire trails:

SN traverse.PNG

Based on trip reports I'd expected the ledge around Point Repulse to be the most challenging moment. Some of the scrambling, climbing and shimmying above the abyss was a much bigger test of nerves! Gorgeous views.



The Miners Pass was trickier to navigate than trip reports suggest because trees have come down and blocked the route, knocked over cairns and removed anchor points used in old photos. Still manageable but we spent an hour or two working it out. A great day out but certainly a test of nerves for someone like me who is afraid of heights.
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Re: Korrowall Ridge / Point Repulse Attempt

Postby ribuck » Tue 13 Jul, 2021 11:43 am

Nice work, YoungCodger. Thanks for the detailed post.
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