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Cleft Peak (Gammon Ranges) logbook full

PostPosted: Tue 03 Jun, 2014 11:52 pm
by Justcameron
I was up in the gammons last week with a school group. The logbook on cleft peak is full and in need of replacement. It requires an a4 hardcover bound book to be carried in. The logbook container (a metal box) is in good condition and appears to be doing a good job of protecting the current book.

Should the old logbook go to the state library with the old rover rockhole book? Or should it be kept at cleft peak where it is relevant and accessible? I'll leave that up to whoever carries the new book in. I unfortunately don't have any plans to be back in the area any time soon.

Re: Cleft Peak (Gammon Ranges) logbook full

PostPosted: Wed 04 Jun, 2014 7:39 am
by philm
Thanks for letting everyone know. I believe it should go tot he State Library but may be worth a call in to them for who ever is going in there next. Someone of this forum could collect it on the next trip and take in a new book. I may be up there later this year but nothing certain as yet.

Re: Cleft Peak (Gammon Ranges) logbook full

PostPosted: Fri 06 Jun, 2014 10:15 pm
by peregrinator
Another possibility is that perhaps someone could photograph each page of the logbook and then send the image files to the library, but leave the book in place for future visitors to read. Meaning it would then be, in Justcameron's words, "relevant and accessible".

Re: Cleft Peak (Gammon Ranges) logbook full

PostPosted: Mon 09 Jun, 2014 10:25 pm
by LTM
I believe the Adelaide Bushwalkers produced the container and placed the log book. Perhaps enquire with them?

Re: Cleft Peak (Gammon Ranges) logbook full

PostPosted: Tue 17 Jun, 2014 11:17 pm
by Justcameron
LTM wrote:I believe the Adelaide Bushwalkers produced the container and placed the log book. Perhaps enquire with them?

I have emailed the ABW. We'll see what they have to say.