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Mt Bithongabel overnight

PostPosted: Sun 30 Jul, 2017 7:35 pm
by Lazy J
[youtube][/youtube]Went up to Lamington on an overnighter with my brother. It was fantastic, the Bithongabel campsite is only about 6kms in from the start of the Border Track. We got there, set up and tents and then spent the rest of the time wandering around. Clouds came down over night and our gear was soaked but wouldn't change a thing. That morning air in the mountains when its heavy with mist is the best.


Re: Mt Bithongabel overnight

PostPosted: Sun 30 Jul, 2017 10:00 pm
by Moocattle
Such a nice spot!
Jealous of the snail find - not sure what they are. Only saw a few glow worms and a singular swaini in 6hrs last time I was night hiking down that way :( .
If you're interested in them you'd get a lot of info from the 'snails of austraila' page on fb (in fact anyone who likes critters should check it out). John Stanisic and Michael Shea (From the QLD Museum and authors of Australian Land Snails) along with a lot of other knowledgable folk frequent it, and provide super in-depth and interesting info on anthing posted.

Re: Mt Bithongabel overnight

PostPosted: Mon 31 Jul, 2017 6:43 pm
by Lazy J
Yeah I'm definitely going to look those snails up, they were pretty cool. Saw the glow worms in the undergrowth and the roots of the Antarctic Beech - but they didn't film too well!