Glen Rock Regional Park

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Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby spider61 » Wed 12 Feb, 2014 5:21 pm

Anybody have suggested walks into Glen Rock Regional Park (Gatton Area).


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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby tomh » Thu 13 Feb, 2014 1:05 pm

Important note: Most of these routes are off-track/no track - essential you have experience reading topo. maps and using a compass.
A good base to park and start walks is the Casuarina camping area. Most walks consist of climbing to the ridge running east-west to the north of the camping area, travelling along that ridge and then coming back down to the road and camping area. One such day walk is
Another walk: Using the farm road travel up Blackfellow Creek valley to the stockyards at 283 131 and start to head east then north up a ridge as follows:

on the way up the ridge you encounter a cliffline which can be passed as follows
flaggycreek2b.jpg (10.12 KiB) Viewed 35492 times

then when you reach the east-west ridge head west and you will meet up with the route described in Wikiloc - choose your direction back to Casuarina.
There is a rock platform at about 300 148 ideal for lunch with great views north over Dry Creek towards the Mistake Mountain range and Mt. Mistake.
Otherwise walking is relatively easy, open forest, high grass, avoid summer/hot days, check for planned or unplanned fires, during parts of the year watch out for golden orb spider web strung between trees - sticks like crazy.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby tomh » Thu 13 Feb, 2014 2:17 pm

Found a photo. This is the cliffline mentioned in the previous post.
glen rock 3b.JPG
glen rock 3b.JPG (24.69 KiB) Viewed 35482 times
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Fri 19 May, 2017 6:10 pm

Just returned from giving my new boots a workout on the
Blackfellow Creek valley track, past Abbots Yards & the Tops Yards.
The weather closed in before I caught a glimpse of the Amphitheatre,
so I turned around & headed back...and ended the day without a blister. :)

Great looking area for off-track walks, lots of long spurs to the various ridge lines,
cliffs, crags & peaks, waterfalls & tributaries in the headwaters to explore.
I'll be back to complete a few closer circuits using to the campground as a base. :D

You can see tomh's cliff line(above) on the approach to the yards.

The Casuarina Campground is really nice, picnic tables, fire pits, cold showers,
composting toilets, even a few trees around the edge for us Hammockers. 8)
Spend the weekend there... Just remember to bring your own firewood, food & water.

More basic info.

# with so many floodways to cross in your vehicle for access &
throughout the park itself...make sure there's no large dumping of rain forecast
or you could be stranded. :oops:
Last edited by ofuros on Sun 21 May, 2017 9:17 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Sat 20 May, 2017 11:18 am

Nature of the beast, of many flood ravaged creek crossings.

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curious valley cattle...

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Top yards camp area.

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Square jawed Point Pure peeking through the drizzle behind the Top Yards.

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Last edited by ofuros on Sun 21 May, 2017 9:33 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Sat 20 May, 2017 11:26 am

filtering water for lunch...

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spider between my legs while eating my chilli con carne...

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Safely back @ Casuarina campground wrapped in nice dry warm clothing.

DSCF2876 (Medium).JPG
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Postby Moocattle » Thu 15 Jun, 2017 6:49 pm

Thinking of heading out this way for the New Moon to do some stargazing and astrophotography (Looks like it'll be a good dark spot between the lights of Warwick, Brisbane and Toowoomba). Any ideas on what the best vantage point would be?

Hoping to line up the milkyway behind a cool rocky outcrop - would have to be looking SSW towards it. Looking at topos, maybe I could find a spot along the rdige between Mt Phillip and the 997 peak; getting Glen rock in the picture? Although I believe the rocky part wont be visible from the North. Otherwise Mt Hennessy might be a good candidate looking up at it from the cattle yards? If it ends up being clear, I'll report back with some pictures!

I'll probably end up doing a bit of an explore on the northern ridges during the day. Looking forward to some open woodland.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Fri 16 Jun, 2017 7:38 am

I'm picturing a silhouetted Glen Rock itself with a twisted
lonesome eucalypt & the twinkling starscape above...or the undulating
southern ridgeline across the valley with a shooting stars & wide star filled heavens. ;)

The area is west of the Main Range so it's generally easy dry open walking
on the ridges & walking too now winter has finally arrived.
Perfect conditions for exploring. Enjoy. 8-)

View of Glen Rock just before entering Casuarina camp area.
DSCF2714 (Medium).JPG

Abbots Yards lead with Mt Hennessy in the background.
DSCF2780 (Medium).JPG
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby Moocattle » Sun 25 Jun, 2017 6:12 pm

Well, we went out yesterday for the new moon in high hopes. Looked to be a quiet night with only a couple other bookings on Qparks. Got to the campground after a long drive to find it was the site of an illegal bush doof.... Pumping edm, dogs running about, people ripping limbs off trees for fires; all complimented by a heavy marijuana smell. No good spots to camp after the ground had turned into a car park (every fire spot had a car next to it with no tent). Had a chat with a couple who were also out for the new moon and determined it was best to just pack up and leave as there was no phone service to do anything about it. Annoyed I didn't bring my pack, probably could have salvaged it and walked up the valley a bit. It was such nice weather this weekend as well :evil:

Such a shame to see people disrespecting these places in such a way. Doubt any had paid there fees either. Could have at least booked out the whole campsite.
Needless to say that we were in the park for about 30mins, looks like such fantastic landscape. Was really excited to climb some ridges after a nice camp oven meal. We had even mapped out where the winter calling frogs have been recorded to have a bit of a herp. Definitely going to have to head back soon, maybe closer to summer when the mountain frogs are calling.

Called the Policelink on the way out who said they would send a car. Who knows what the outcome would've been
Drove home after via Cunninghams Gap, and decided to climb Mt Cordeaux as to not ruin the weekend completely; there was a bit too much light pollution and haze east of the range for any great pictures.

The next new moons only a month away... Still determined to get a good pic.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Sun 25 Jun, 2017 8:50 pm

Sad to hear it was a non event...hopefully the long drive will
be worthwhile next time.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby rowdy79 » Sun 02 Jul, 2017 5:43 pm

Thanks for the ideas guys, I was out there this weekend testing my camera out.

The half moon plus Toowoomba (I think) created some light pollution, but in some shots it actually seems to help illuminate the area.
The road in (before the park) also has some good spots.
At sunrise I walked up a steep trail right next to the visitor shack, you would definitely get some good views looking across the valley at night.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Sun 02 Jul, 2017 8:48 pm

Good shots rowdy... 8)
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Wed 05 Jul, 2017 6:40 pm

Managed a anti-clockwise circuit today, starting from Glen Rock.
Enjoyable 'off-track' walk with great views. :wink:

Blackfellow Ck headwaters from Glen Rock...
DSCF2919 (Medium).JPG

Ridgeline walking...
DSCF2930 (Medium).JPG

View of the outcrop on 'Toms' Spur...with a work-around from Tomh in a post earlier in the thread.
DSCF2939 (Medium).JPG

Looking towards Red Rock & Mt Philp...just about to
down climb through 'the notch' in the cliff break.
DSCF2964 (Medium).JPG

Winter's the best time explore...even so, it warmed up real quick with these
clear blue skies we've been having, it'll be an oven in summer. :roll:
The 3 litres of water i carried in my camelbak just lasted long
enough to make back to the deserted camp area.

A few more pics here... :wink:
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby Moocattle » Sat 22 Jul, 2017 11:21 am

Thanks to those inspiring photos in this thread I finally got back out to this lovely park. I Spent wednesday walking a similar route to @Ofuros except Clockwise and peakbagging Mt Philip (apparantly locally known as the Madderhorn).

We climbed ridiculous ridge (SSW) up Mt Philip - it was incredibly steep and narrow in places. There were such strong winds it felt like we might lose our balance! The final scramble to the trig point was fine if you traverse to the east a bit, however it was quite muddy. The ridge we took back down towards red rock was much nicer, and the NW ridge looked quite pleasant also. Was pretty straight forward following the ridges from there - there was a fence line most of the way.

I can recommend climbing the small grey outcrop just East of the plateau where you climb through 'the notch' It had spectacular views down Back duck creek - looking up to a magnificent red bluff as well as all the way to red rock in the distance. Had lunch at the top plateau (994m?) which had some views East to Mt Mistake and I believe we could spy part of the little liverpool range. There was a fairly distinct footpad from here to Glen Rock and back down to the car. There was also a very enjoryable narrow ridge above Glen rock just before a rocky overhang with a few spear lillies that I believe was our highlight of the walk.

Here's a video - poorly edited, didn't have a wind sock and shot on the wrong settings :( but still provides an overview of the walk!

Some lovely old maps and info at the shack near the campground - couldn't find any of that info online - will get some pics next time I'm there. Keen to get out to Pt Pure at some point - Any info on the campsite there? Would love to use it as a base in summer to search for kundagungans.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Sat 22 Jul, 2017 4:25 pm

Glad you had a blustery good time...its a great circuit. 8)
Try not to forget your boots next time ! :shock:

P.S. Those Kundagungan's are very pretty... :wink:
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Mon 24 Jul, 2017 7:30 am

I spent yesterday exploring the ridge around Point's a rollercoaster ridge line with great views down Flaggy Creek,
Top Yards & over to Point Pure.
A nice days stroll. 8-)
No peek at the remote camp on PP can't help you there.

Point Pure...
DSCF3064 (Medium).JPG
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Sun 11 Sep, 2022 3:42 pm

Next valley over, sandwiched between Main Range Np & Glen Rock State forest...more ridges & tracks to explore, valley floor starts at 400m while the ridges either side waver along to just under the 1000m mark. Walk in from the locked gate or up & over from Casuarina camp area, aging huts in the valley, creek crossings some dry some wet, bird life, oranges were cool juicy but sour, lemon trees in bloom. Aboriginal rock art under a sandstone overhang on the drive out. Circuits are possible or use as a westerly start point for a Scenic Rim Traverse. Worth a cool season wander.


Hopping marsupials were numerous...




Aboriginal rock art overhang
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Sun 16 Oct, 2022 1:29 pm

Quick overnighter, before the 10 creek crossings rise with rain predicted this week...Point Townson the goal. Afternoon start hoping to pitch before sunset...

Western slopes had a fire over them recently. Small mobs of Grey Kangaroos hopped for cover.

Rolling under a barbed wire fence on the ridgeline... :)

Molested relentlessly by mozzies so I skipped dinner & took refuge under the bugnet. Read for a while, listened to a lonesome dingo howl in the distance, flittering squeaking tiny bats...and the whining mozzies.
Calm, clear night, gentle gusts. Woke to a grey overcast sky.


Breakfast...Last nights dinner, Lamb & Barley

Just add water to the heat pad..


Clacker cleaner & hand cleanser... :wink:


Couple of views on the descent. Enjoying this Westernmost valley. Lots more to explore.

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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby grunter » Mon 26 Dec, 2022 6:55 pm

Does anyone know if going up the ridgeline is possible to access Point Pure camp site? The red line in photo #2. I've also mapped out in Garmin connect (photo #1). Looks like a 4wd road on Google maps up part of the way. I'd rather a longer gentler climb than a short steep climb and not the circuit that follows Blackfellow creek. Should I just stick to the circuit?
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Mon 26 Dec, 2022 11:10 pm

Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby grunter » Tue 27 Dec, 2022 6:02 am

Thanks ofuros. Not much info out there and this is great. Cheers.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby grunter » Thu 05 Jan, 2023 2:12 pm

From parks after my enquiry. I only have a small 2wd so will need to add extra water and food incase I'm stuck for a few extra days.

"The Casuarina camp area is accessible by 2 wheel drive when the water is below 200mm on the indicators.

Point pure remote camp site is a unserviced camp site so the lantana growth is unknown."
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Thu 05 Jan, 2023 8:15 pm

The road in to Casuarina is 2wd, you just have to plan around any incoming rain events...and start early if you can, those valleys & ridges get warm over the summer months. :wink:
This season's strange weather patterns should have headwater & waterfalls flowing.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby grunter » Thu 27 Jul, 2023 1:34 pm

Finally got to Glen Rock. Thanks ofuros. I did the Christie's circuit, flat walk to Abotts yard and Glen Rock summit climb. Still not allowed to backpack after shoulder surgery. An amazing place. Camp ground was quiet with 2 others. I will be back.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Sun 04 Feb, 2024 12:28 pm

I may be a slow to the party, but I just noticed the Glen Rock RP is now known as the Main Range Conservation Park.

Also the derogatory named Blackfellow's Creek that flows through the park seems to have changed its name to Kulgin Creek on a couple of my GPS Apps...
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Thu 28 Mar, 2024 1:25 pm

My playground for a couple of days...
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby grunter » Thu 28 Mar, 2024 2:32 pm

Enjoy :) I still need to make my way to Point Pure. One day.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Thu 28 Mar, 2024 3:36 pm

Mt Machar...relaxing & deburing before setting up the hammock. :wink:
Cool Mountain breezes, bird calls in the valley below. Found some water nearby, my 3 litres wasn't enough...& surprisingly have 5G.



Last edited by ofuros on Sun 31 Mar, 2024 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Fri 29 Mar, 2024 12:51 pm

A distant Point Pure...

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Re: Glen Rock Regional Park

Postby ofuros » Sat 30 Mar, 2024 7:48 pm

There's a couple of water sources on this dry western at the headwaters of Grave Gully, near Mt Hennessy & the other at the far eastern end of No Man's Land. Plus a bonus supply at a small creek crossing further east.




Steep descent into the head of the valley with views of the Amphitheatre & Blackfellow falls. I camped halfway down the spur.

The creek was flowing cool & clear in the morning.
Clouds of fluttering butterflies, clicking grasshoppers & flighty quail in the long grass scaring the bejesus out of me everytime they scattered. Nice deep swimming hole downstream.
Scared a big black boar which was too busy with it's head down digging, eventually heard my footfalls, snorted & charge for the bushes.

Amphitheatre & falls


Most tracks were overgrown with long knee to bellybutton high grasses. The track from the Top yards back to the camp/picnic area has been cut recently.
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