Victoria specific bushwalking discussion.

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Victoria specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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Beeripmo Recon

Thu 04 Feb, 2021 12:51 am

Did a Beeripmo Recon via the Sugarloaf access track.

The water tank level is 4 corrugations down from the top at about 3/4 full, the colour of the water was a very slight tan discolouration
but tasted fine, i found the "don't drink the water" sign on the two unisex toilet block walls after a drink, the water is good and i am
thinking its the State Parks cautionary indemnity warning to boil the water first. I could not see an inlet but found the outlet, the tap
is about 100 mm off the steel grid requiring the tap water entering the drink bottle via the hand deflecting it into the bottle. I found three
fire crosses and pits with a low square planked table with no seating, so it could be a tent platform or a seat or a table or all three, haven't
seen anything like it before. Like all public campsites there appeared to be little wood to burn for a one hundred meter radius, although there
was some left at the fire pits. Most of the hills were wet and flowing with water due to the recent rain event and as such the tank
should have been full. Its a pleasant spot. Get there early to collect the firewood first after dark its too late.



Re: Beeripmo Recon

Thu 04 Feb, 2021 4:55 am

The tables are the same as those at the southern prom and other places. Even if you had a suitably small tent I would not pitch on one as they are for communal use. The tap height is very poorly thought out but the trap grate can be removed to get a bottle directly under.

Re: Beeripmo Recon

Thu 04 Feb, 2021 7:25 am

Or fill a mug/billy from the tap then pour the water into your bottle.

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Re: Beeripmo Recon

Thu 04 Feb, 2021 9:35 am

I've seen the sign at Beaufort more than a few times heading to the Grampians and wondered.
The last photo makes it look enticing....
Might have to go one day when I'm not out to smash myself on an overnighter.

Re: Beeripmo Recon

Thu 04 Feb, 2021 9:41 am

I have a gravity filter that I used at Beeripmo... That was tricky to fill up at the tank being that it's not rigid, and under the grate was full of dirty water.

Re: Beeripmo Recon

Thu 04 Feb, 2021 10:04 am

The strange thing is that it's not some historic hut or anything but a fairly recently built camp made exclusively for hikers and the tank/tap doesn't make sense. A cup or pot is the go as even though you can get under the tap you can't fill a Sawyer bag or similar narrow neck without spilling heaps due to how it flows out.

Re: Beeripmo Recon

Thu 04 Feb, 2021 10:40 am

CraigVIC wrote:The strange thing is that it's not some historic hut or anything but a fairly recently built camp.

Its a curiosity alright, just thinking that it was sub contracted out on tender basis, with minimum specification requirements,
although the big colour glossy photo on the front of the toilet wall showing everyone enjoying themselves would have been costly
and time consuming to produce. If the water to the tank is filled from that roof of the toilets to the tank it must go underground
as there was no visual connection points and that the spouting and down pipes would need cleaning out, as with that amount of rain
and that size roof it should be overflowing and its not, which indicates the pipe is partially or nearly fully blocked from leaf debris.
Its a remote un-serviced campsite there isn't any toilet paper or maintenance... not that you expect it, naturally.

Re: Beeripmo Recon

Thu 04 Feb, 2021 10:45 am

The same contractor is building part (perhaps all? Can't remember) of the Grampians Peak Trail.
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