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Awash River Area, Afar

PostPosted: Sat 12 Mar, 2011 4:58 am
by Swifty
Couple of snaps from the Afar region of Ethiopia. The Awash River seen here has heaps of bird life and crocs as well. The river flows from the highlands of Ethiopia through the rift valley, but dies in the below sea level Lac Abe on the Djibouti border, never reaching the sea.
The Alolabeda hot springs are several km south of the river. The geyser pops up about once every minute or so. The measured temperature (they stuck a probe dowm) at 100m below the surface is about 200 degrees C.
It's the hottest place on earth. Took these pictures in January ("winter") when the temperature dropped below 30 degrees. 50+ is not unusual in summer...ouch!

Re: Awash River Area, Afar

PostPosted: Sat 12 Mar, 2011 12:03 pm
by eggs
Thanks for posting
You sure get around