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Grizzly Bear kills Hiker

Sun 09 Aug, 2015 10:20 pm

From ABC

Grizzly bear kills, eats hiker in America's famed Yellowstone National Park, authorities say
At least one grizzly bear is thought to have killed and partially eaten a hiker in America's famed Yellowstone National Park.

The National Park Service said the man's body was found Friday and, although the exact cause of death had not been determined, he had defensive wounds on his forearms.

"Based on partial tracks found at the scene, it appears that an adult female grizzly and at least one cub ... were present and likely involved in the incident," the park service said in a statement.

The man was a long-term seasonal employee of Medcor, a company that runs three health clinics in the park.

He was reported missing Friday morning when he did not show up for work.

The victim's body was partially devoured and "cached" — or covered — near Lake Village, officials said.

Wildlife biologists have set bear traps in the area and if any captured beasts are identified as having been involved in the attack, they will be killed.

"We may not be able to conclusively determine the circumstances of this bear attack, but we will not risk public safety," Yellowstone National Park superintendent Dan Wenk said.

The track near where the man's body was found was temporarily closed.

Re: Grizzly Bear kills Hiker

Sun 09 Aug, 2015 10:26 pm ... index.html

Always feel a bit uneasy of the planned solution for the bears given that the hiker was off-trail.

Re: Grizzly Bear kills Hiker

Sun 09 Aug, 2015 10:29 pm

Overlandman wrote:Wildlife biologists have set bear traps in the area and if any captured beasts are identified as having been involved in the attack, they will be killed.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Grizzly Bear kills Hiker

Mon 10 Aug, 2015 8:14 am

Unfortunately Grizzly bears are close enough to the top of the food chain that if they realize we are food, then it becomes a problem. Of course in this case, if it was a momma bear and cub, then there is no telling if the guy got too close to the cub, or if it was a straight up predation. Risks of the area.
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