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Tasmania specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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Lake Rhona

Wed 20 May, 2020 7:14 pm

Hi all,
I am just looking for some information on Lake Rhona & when is the best time to go do the walk.
I have noticed on the parks website it is currently saying the track is reopened since the bush fires & just wanted some advice on when the best time of year is to go visit (mostly only concerned about crossing the Gordon river and the log) I have read you can wade across the river upstream from the log but I am assuming that too depends on the river levels.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Lake Rhona

Wed 20 May, 2020 9:33 pm

Summer as a general rule would be the best time, as the Gordon river is more likely to be at a lower, crossable level. You'll also get less mud on the buttongrass plains. There's no guarantee you'll get across though, it depends on the weather in the lead up to your trip as well. In saying that, you might get lucky and manage to cross over in spring. Keep an eye on the forecast in the lead up would be my advice, and be prepared for failure at the river. Also take an extra day or so worth of food, in case you get stuck at the river on the western side and can't get back to the car.
I went there in January of a particular year, and was actually able to cross the river on the log, and so managed to avoid getting wet.

Re: Lake Rhona

Thu 21 May, 2020 5:53 am

Thank you, that is much appreciated. I figured as much that given the river levels summer is probably the best chance we are going to get crossing the river with a safe return. I have read that they say it is a 2 day walk but I would assume it’s preferable to take longer & spend a day up Reeds Peak. When the river level is low is there anywhere to be wading across the river if you choose to not take the log option?
It certainly looks like an magical spot!!!

Re: Lake Rhona

Thu 21 May, 2020 9:59 am

The log is a little downstream of where the track hits the river. Apparently there is also another, better log somewhat further upstream but I haven't checked that out personally so can't guarantee it. If you're going to wade, go directly across at the point you reach the river - the track leads straight to the best ford.

Re: Lake Rhona

Thu 21 May, 2020 6:59 pm

north-north-west wrote:The log is a little downstream of where the track hits the river. Apparently there is also another, better log somewhat further upstream but I haven't checked that out personally so can't guarantee it. If you're going to wade, go directly across at the point you reach the river - the track leads straight to the best ford.

Post fires I think the track leads straight to the lower log crossing. Although it is possible to wade here, I would recommend walking a bit further upstream to where the track used to go and wading there as it is a lot safer. It is pretty obvious when you see it.

WRT when to go, I would say go when the river it too high to cross the log on foot. You are more likely to have the place to yourself.

Re: Lake Rhona

Thu 21 May, 2020 7:15 pm

Have they recut the lower bit? - I've been down twice post fire (although possibly prior to the official reopening) and the track followed its normal alignment - to the ford, with a short pad downstream to the log.

Re: Lake Rhona

Fri 22 May, 2020 8:10 am

north-north-west wrote:Have they recut the lower bit? - I've been down twice post fire (although possibly prior to the official reopening) and the track followed its normal alignment - to the ford, with a short pad downstream to the log.

I was there just after it re-opened and the track I was on led straight to the log. Parks had just been through with some flagging tape.

Re: Lake Rhona

Sat 23 May, 2020 9:56 am

When i went through a few years ago, the track led straight to the log. The log was submerged in the middle, I was still able to cross by butt scooting over using a long log to prop myself against the bottom. The level had dropped significantly 24 hours later. To enable a winter trip when levels are really high, I've thought about taking a pack raft and stashing it on the western side. It's only about 25 mins to the River from the carpark so not that far to carry the extra weight.

Re: Lake Rhona

Sun 24 May, 2020 1:01 am

The log is no longer safe. It has dropped to a level where the western end will always be underwater. A recent crossing (like rick said in boats) had the Ford at ankle to knee deep and the log was still under water. It is also very slippery. I have notified PWS that someone will die there but of course never got an official response

Re: Lake Rhona

Tue 26 May, 2020 1:45 pm

Yes I am much more fond of the idea of wading through the water than crossing the log, mostly due to the thought of it being slippery & me losing my balance thus falling in with a full pack on doesn’t sound ideal to me anyway as I am unsure of how deep it gets there! I am so keen to get to see Lake Rhona though! I’m guessing it all depends on the weather that has been previously & the weather to come as to how deep the crossing of the Ford will be. But I much prefer that option. Will definitely be packing extra food just incase we get stuck.

Re: Lake Rhona

Tue 26 May, 2020 2:16 pm

I've seen the river ankle deep in the hight of summer on a dry year.
Knee deep on other times.
But it's often well up, its fed by a huge catchment area up stream.
We are fast getting towards the time of year where wading is not going to be an option.
I think people were able to get in there a lot easier because of the old log.
The florentine River in the next valley can be a bit of a guide as to what is going on. It's not the same catchment.
But if that is well up at Eleven Rd then its guaranteed the Gordon will be too. ... tineRv.pdf

Re: Lake Rhona

Tue 08 Mar, 2022 9:46 pm

Anybody have a recent update on the status of the crossing?

Re: Lake Rhona

Wed 09 Mar, 2022 9:17 am

Crossed it last spring in partial flood with a rope and microspikes. How good's your sense of balance? ;-)

Would imagine being the end of summer the water level is as low as it is ever likely to get, but as others have mentioned it rises and falls quickly in response to recent rain. Check the Hydro level or call Mt Field NP Visitor Centre, they've been good with updates in the past.

Re: Lake Rhona

Wed 09 Mar, 2022 11:57 am

Just stay away from its sister-lake - Co-Rhona.
I hear it’s full of viruses!


Re: Lake Rhona

Wed 09 Mar, 2022 1:32 pm

I was there at the end of January and both logs were well out of the water. Hasn't been much rain since so I suspect it would be similar now

Re: Lake Rhona

Sun 13 Mar, 2022 6:00 pm

Late Jan/early Feb you could use the ford and barely get your ankles wet, but if that didn't appeal the lower log was clear and dry right across. It's very dry down there.

Re: Lake Rhona

Mon 14 Mar, 2022 6:53 pm

I heard a report from a track ranger today that there were 70 tents at Rhona recently.

Re: Lake Rhona

Thu 07 Apr, 2022 6:21 am

Ugh, we have finally planned to go and are booked in for the Easter weekend…although I knew it’s popularity meant it’s likely to be busy I couldn’t fathom going and camping with 70-100 other people in such a small area..
Desperately want to go, but that thought has me re-thinking our plan…

Re: Lake Rhona

Fri 08 Apr, 2022 8:39 am

I can't imagine the place with 100 people but when I was there earlier this year there were probably around 35 and it wasn't too intrusive. You can spread out along the beach or camp in the dunes so there's actually a lot of space

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Re: Lake Rhona

Fri 08 Apr, 2022 1:02 pm

I wonder how it would go if they put in a camping area down in the valley and made the lake a no camping zone ?
It's not that bigger deal to walk up to the lake and back again.

The whole ambience of the place must be pretty screwed up with 30 or 40 tents around the lake.

Re: Lake Rhona

Sun 18 Dec, 2022 10:29 am

Hi Folks
Had a look at TasMaps and could not be certain which maps cover Lake Rhona.
Can anyone advise?

Re: Lake Rhona

Sun 18 Dec, 2022 10:32 am

Hi Folks
Had a look at TasMaps and could not be certain which maps cover Lake Rhona.
Can anyone advise?

Re: Lake Rhona

Sun 18 Dec, 2022 12:05 pm

johnrs wrote:Hi Folks
Had a look at TasMaps and could not be certain which maps cover Lake Rhona.
Can anyone advise?
If you go on Listmap there’s a map index for 100k, 50k and 25k Tasmaps, you can add it in as a layer under map indexes. Denison Range is the 50k widely available in stores and will cover the general area.

Re: Lake Rhona

Sun 18 Dec, 2022 5:42 pm ... kId=824355

50K Denison Range

Re: Lake Rhona

Sun 18 Dec, 2022 5:51 pm ... Paper/TP06

..and despite the 'pounds' symbol (been like it for years and they know) its actually Australian Dollars.

Re: Lake Rhona

Sun 18 Dec, 2022 8:46 pm

tastrax wrote:

..and despite the 'pounds' symbol (been like it for years and they know) its actually Australian Dollars.

... the £? Where is it? I see $ and AUD!

Re: Lake Rhona

Mon 19 Dec, 2022 11:36 am

pounds.JPG (40.83 KiB) Viewed 8855 times

I do have multiple languages set but it reverts back on a regular basis.

Re: Lake Rhona

Mon 19 Dec, 2022 12:05 pm

Shows dollars for me in Firefox and Safari. Pounds in Chrome. There you go!

Re: Lake Rhona

Mon 19 Dec, 2022 1:37 pm

Thanks Folks
Got it on the Gordonvale sheet
Thanks again
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